Become A Children With Disability NZ Sponsor

Bronze Member Sponsorship

Children With Disability Bronze Member Sponsorship:

C.W.D - Sponsorship Goals Bronze

The Bronze Sponsorship Tier Includes Some Placement On Our Social Media:

Bronze Sponsorship Tier: Empowering Change Together

Our Bronze Sponsorship Tier offers valuable opportunities to connect, grow, and make an impact. This sponsorship includes featured placement on both our social media platforms and printed marketing materials, along with networking opportunities to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations. As a bronze sponsor, your brand’s logo will be proudly displayed on dedicated pages of our website:

This sponsorship tier requires an annual contribution of $1,000.00, helping us further our mission to support and uplift disabled children across New Zealand.

Together, We Can Create a Lasting Impact

Every sponsorship matters. Our Bronze Tier provides a vital entry point for individuals and businesses eager to support our cause. While the contribution may be smaller than that of silver or gold sponsors, it is no less significant. Bronze sponsors can support us not only through financial donations but also through in-kind contributions, such as providing services, products, or volunteer support for our events and initiatives.

Each dollar, each act of generosity, helps us create more opportunities and brighter futures for disabled children. When sponsors like you join us, we become stronger advocates for equality and inclusion.

If you would like to make a meaningful difference and join our sponsorship family, please email us at We look forward to partnering with you to bring hope and opportunity to the children we serve.

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