A Little Bit More About Playground People LTD:
Children with Disability NZ Our mission is to make New Zealand the most disabled child friendly region in the world!

Accessible Playground Products
We Consider Kompans To Be One Of The Best Accessible Products:
Sensory Play - The Why, How & What Of Sensory Stimulating Playgrounds:
Have you ever wondered about the way our senses inform our language? When we understand or realize something, we see it. When we get emotional, we are touched and then we feel. Our whole being depends on sensory input and response to sensory input.

Research Backed & Play Benefits:
Through our network of playground experts from around the world and our own experience and observations, we offer the richest source of play related research available in New Zealand. Drawing on this knowledge base, we are able to continually add to and improve our services and product range. Should you be interested in any international research we are happy to provide this to you. We've also had Auckland University undertake a full analytical study of the fitness benefits of casual play on our equipment. This study was a world first and proved children’s fitness levels improved by up to 70% through casual play alone. Many schools now use our equipment as a regular part of their PE curriculum.
How you see disability
" “Disability what disability hey have you noticed something I didn't oh its the wheelchair right, sorry the chair is just a tool it is not part of me."
-Glen McMillan.
Accessible Playground Products
Have A Look Around At Amazing Ongoing Projects From Around New Zealand:

Kompan, Home Seesaw:
Colorful bees and cute shapes rocking hugely motivate children to join in play, rocking together. The spacious design and sturdy back and foot support allow for many children of all abilities playing together. The risk seekers can stand on the middle platform securely, sensing the movement of the others.

Kompan, Multiseesaw Foot & Backrest:
The Support Seat for the double seesaws from KOMPAN is a clever, universal design replacement of either seat end. It can be used by all children. The foot and calf support gives a sturdy and firm footrest which also functions well for children with leg impairments or motor disabilities.

Percussion Play, Have A Look At All Our Instrument:
Welcome to the Percussion Play outdoor musical instruments gallery. This collection of outdoor musical instruments represent music-making from many cultures around the world. From this page you can select individual instruments to view further images, product information and dimensions as well as make product comparisons.
Children's Testimonials
" “Disability is not alone I have many abilities I enjoy play I think and want as any child does I am a child. We must stop believing that disabilities keep a child from doing something. Because that’s not true . . . Having a disability doesn’t stop me from doing anything.”"
Accessible Playground Products
A Selection Of Our Latest & Greatest Playground Projects From Around New Zealand:

Kompan, Equality In Play – Survey On Playground Use In Children With Disabilities:
Play between children with disabilities and typically developing children support the areas of self-efficiency, tolerance, and empathy in both user groups. This survey from the KOMPAN Play Institute shows that 71% of the wheelchair users found their nearest playground to be inaccessible. It further points out what activities the children prefer.

Kompan, Sensory Play - The Why, How & What Of Sensory Stimulating Playgrounds:
Have you ever wondered about the way our senses inform our language? When we understand or realize something, we see it. When we get emotional, we are touched and then we feel. Our whole being depends on sensory input and response to sensory input.

Play Ground People LTD, A Very Special Opening Day For Maidstone Max Playground - Tō Tātou Papa Tākaro:
Doing this would be a great way to show that the Maidstone Max playground had been designed with them in mind; this playground will be their playground too...
Children's Testimonials
“When you focus on someone’s disability you’ll overlook their abilities, beauty and uniqueness. Once you learn to accept and love them for who they are, you subconsciously learn to love yourself unconditionally.”
-Glen McMillan.
Accessible Playground Products
There Is So Much More In Our Latest & Greatest Playground Projects From Around New Zealand:

Percussion Play, Beating The Drum For Equality - The Benefits Of Music For Those With Developmental Disabilities & Special Educational Needs:
We know that playing outdoor musical instruments promotes relaxation, alleviates anxiety and nurtures well-being, and music therapy has long been recognised as having a powerful therapeutic effect. Actively engaging with musical instruments has been proven to ‘induce multiple responses – physiological, movement, mood, emotional, cognitive and behavioural’ and there are very few other stimuli that have such a profound positive impact on such a wide range of human functions and emotions.

Percussion Play, Sounds & The Spectrum - The Benefits Of Music For People With Autism Spectrum Disorders:
Music is universally recognized as promoting feelings of well-being and improved mental health in people of all ages. For this reason, music therapy is becoming an increasingly popular form of holistic, alternative therapy and is used in hospices, care homes, residential homes, schools, and rehabilitation centers all over the world to great positive effect.

Kompan, Truly Inclusive – The Reward Of Thrill In Universal Play Designs:
This study examines the degree to which non-specialized, age appropriate play equipment and playgrounds can be usable to children with mobility and learning disabilities, as well as to typically developing children.