Wheelchair Swing for Children with Disabilities:

Children with Disability NZ Our mission is to make New Zealand the most disabled child friendly region in the world!

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Now Open Wheelchair Swing Waipu Park

Opening Wheelchair Swing Waipu Park:

Waihoihoi river park 70 The Centre Waipu:

On March 18, 2023. an event we have been eagerly awaiting the opening of this wheelchair accessible swing, and as our first fully successful fundraising campaign, we are proud to have reached this goal. We already have funding underway for a wheelchair-accessible seesaw for Raumanga Park in Whangārei.

Bring your disabled children and adults to experience the new style of wheelchair-accessible swings. Bring your friends and spread the word about this swing and the newly developed playground at Waipu Park. Waihoihoi River Park 70, The Centre Waipu.

lets try this (5)

Funding Completed!

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lets try this (7)

Mums Testimonial

"Embrace the unique way your child is blooming—even if it’s not in the garden you imagined."

-Kylee Ostermann.

Wheelchair Swing Waipu Park

Funding Completed!

Thanks for Helping Us Fund A Wheelchair Swing!

Children with Disability New Zealand is the charity. Our charity was formed following a meeting between three people looking for a missing wheelchair swing. Kylee Ostermann, Charlie Bonner Germain, and Glen McMillan teamed up. Kylee has a disabled son, Alex. Alex just loved that swing, and now it was gone. We made inquiries and found the swing in council storage. We were offered the swing, but this proved impractical. Plans changed. Our charity developed a plan, which we presented to council, for a new playground to be developed in Waipu, Northland.


This playground is being funded by both the community and the council. After many meetings and much discussion between our charity and Whangarei Council, an agreement was made that the Council would fund the cost of a new wheelchair swing if our charity could raise $10,000 towards the cost.

We are there; it is mid-March 2023; we have contributed our $10,000; we have reached our goal. Our next fundraising goal may be an accessible seesaw for Raumanga Park in Whangarei; the fundraising starts now, so please consider donating.

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