Children With Disability New Zealand, please give now
Children with Disability NZ Our mission is to make New Zealand the most disabled child friendly region in the world!
Ways To Donate To Children with Disability:
Donate Now:
We are a Northland New Zealand-based registered charity CC59148.
Our mission is to make New Zealand the most disabled child friendly region in the world!
Ways to donate to Children with Disability NZ.
We have a few ways you can donate to Children with Disability New Zealand.
Donate by direct credit into ASB 12 3099 0121964 00 or use options below.
Payments are processed by PayPal.
See More Below
Please help with some running costs:
Give Now:
My name is Glen McMillan. I am CEO of Children with Disability New Zealand. We are a New Zealand-based registered charity CC59148.
I am also a website designer. I am seeking to raise funds to meet the charity's cost of software and high-quality, high-speed website hosting, a cost currently paid by our CEO.
Our Charity's online presence is of great importance. We have created a professional website full of useful information, fully optimised for search engine results.
For our country's children we are trying to give hope, hope that all children will be included in play and life in general.
For our supporters we can offer exposure on a high-quality platform. We will be working hard to promote our supporters.
Our charity's success can be measured not only by helping our supporters’ products become mainstream, but more by the smiles on the faces of the children these products are designed for.
Our charity has a strong focus on children's playtime. As a successful website designer and online publisher, I will ensure our charity has an excellent reach across the internet and social media.
We aim to be proactive in asking for more consideration and inclusion of accessible playground equipment across the whole of New Zealand.
Together we can bring real, long-term change, we believe all children should have equal opportunity playgrounds should have accessible play included and we are currently creating an extensive wish list of accessible playground products from several suppliers.
We welcome support from all interested parties and are actively seeking to work collaboratively with sponsors and partners.
We have begun the process to lobby for positive change using councils' Have Your Say submissions to get our requests into the hands of council planners right across New Zealand. Our website is designed as a one stop shop for council planners, putting the products from all approved suppliers in one place.
We will actively connect with planners all over NZ via requests for each playground in the planning stages when decisions are being made.
If you would like to know more about our work, or if you would like to contribute, please contact Glen McMillan by email to
Kind regards,
Glen McMillan
Children with Disability New Zealand
Ph: 021 685 400
We Have A Few Ways You Can Donate To Children With Disability New Zealand:
Use the PayPal button select the credit card option.
Use the PayPal button directly to pay by PayPal.
By Direct Credit into our ASB.
account - 12 3099 0121964 00
Contact Us
Our mission is to make New Zealand the most disability-friendly region in the world!
Postal Address:
61 Riverside Drive
Whangarei 0112
New Zealand.
Business Hours:
By Appointment Only... Monday - Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm Saturday - Sunday Closed!
Phone & Email:
Phone:021 685 400